Project: Snowbound


Imysoo Games is an entity (team, company, group, whatever you'd want to label it) ran by a man who got somewhat fed up with the standards being pushed others. Hence, that man set out to create something fantastical, and inclusive for all. The man had many doubters, many of those whole told him once before, that he wanted to achieve the impossible. Well after many years, that man became able to do what was once thought impossible, and so he went to spread the joy of his new found dedication.

Now, this man seeks to continue on his journey, in order to complete his missions, and do whats right on his path to his goals.

This is the back story of the creator & developer of the site, and what my goal is; Is to make fun games, everyone can enjoy. Not to waste your time, or prance about under the guise of money for power sever economics. I myself have played maybe a few too many MMO's from multiple genres of the like, and after a while; I just got sick of all my work being offset by people spending money, rng, or any other bs that gets in the way of the real fun, or skills being built after playing for such a long time.

I see the vieled-hypocrisy in my own words, but as a business, and to continue building better games, money is needed. But you know what money isn't needed for? Leveling. Looting. Slaying the dragon. Saving the princess. Yeah, that grind you should have took, that had a major part of the story that some people would die for, and some just don't give af?


"Just pay us $60.00 and skip to max level cause cash=power!"

Note: (I have no problem with whales, dolphins, and fishies; Just the design around any game I'm thinking of, could have been entirely better if they strayed away from depending on such a vulgar way of asserting their services with such monetization methodolgy)

Then the CEO/Game-Director seems to buy a new yacht/jet/[insert latest expensive car model here] as per usshj, shareholders get their margins, and then theres you, left with a shitty game, that has broken parts, that nobody bothered to fix for years after being paid. This is where I wanted to draw the line.

I didn't do any of this for the money, but I did want to do this as a career. Alas, the real reason for doing this lies in the attitude behind how most MMO's and other games are handled (or better yet mishandled) after alpha, after beta, after launch, or through its entire life-cycle.

At the end of the day, I want you to at least take something back with you and let you feel like you accomplished something.

Rather than trying to mind-game you into spending your hard earned money on another potiential time-waster where your concerns are unheard, or unappreciated, or both. I wanted to make a place, where you can be heard. Somewhere, where you can feel good about your impact on the in-game world, and the friends(or enemies) that you meet along the way.

That is my goal, my mission, and exactly what I plan to do. Hear me out though, we can all make mistakes. But I plan to grow from the ones I've already made, and mitigate any I could possibly make in the future. All towards the goal of delivering quality games, with a quality team that actually cares about its users and not just their money.

"There never was, nor will there ever be anyone left behind."

Imysoo Games - Site Owner